Huguette Diakabana

Health | Congo, Democratic Republic of the (Zaire)

2021 New Voices Fellow

2025 Advanced Advocacy Program Fellow

Huguette Diakabana

Huguette is an experienced system-level change agent and as the Founder of The Luminous Agency, she hosts initiatives focused on empowering transformation through technologies in collaboration with UN bodies, private sectors, CSOs, local communities, and governments. She’s developed and implemented context-appropriate technology-based solutions in education, mining, environment, agriculture, and in recent years in digital health in over 20 countries in Sub-Saharan Africa.  

She is the co-chair of the World Health Organization’s Digital Health Technical Advisory Group, co-leading two of the four workstreams. She developed the digital solutions clearinghouse concept to assist member states with identifying digital health solutions and connecting with solution developers in the private and public sectors. She led working groups that contributed to shaping the digital health landscape globally during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Huguette is on the Harvard Medical School’s Executive Program teaching team, covering digital transformation in global health. She also mentors students and young professionals interested in collaboration and in leveraging appropriate, sustainable and cost-effective technologies to make a difference in their communities.